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There is a burden and tears in my eyes with the happening in our religion circle that tickles me to ask a deep question, WHERE DID WE GET IT WRONG?

Gone are those days Christianity is a religion that everyone likes and love to identify himself or herself as Christian. But suddenly things fall apart to the point where we found ourselves now.

The fallen standard of Christianity was caused by some selfish and carnal people who claim they are true worshipers of Christ. Now we are seeing a strange activities and religious people everywhere.

Let's stress some few points below:

  1. LEADERSHIP FAILURE: It seems some of our leaders are not choosing by God but men. A leader that's choosing by men will definitely fail in discharging the right duty. A true and good leader follow the leading of the Holy spirit.

A leader without focus, vision, direction and a fear of God is an indication that he/she is a carnal person. Things must go wrong.

NOTE: Great leader are not made by doctrine but burden.

  1. Caricature Christians: With all sense of regard and respect, our churches are full with caricature Christians. Some anointed pastors are doing justice through the leading of the Holy spirit in communicating the mind of God, yet members are practicing there desire. Knowing Jesus changes a man completely. You can't claim you are a believer and still be practicing your old nature. Such people are church goers not Christ followers.

NOTE: God cannot be mock or deceive.

  1. Tribalism and sentiment: The body of Christ is gradually dying because of tribalism, nepotism and sentiment, etc. Now the majority tribe in the church have consider themselves to be only people to be elected in a leadership position. Friends, we are all one in Jesus in respective of your tribe.

NOTE: Jesus is for all.

  1. Politics in the church. Sincerely if you want to play politics in the church, i advice you to join the circular politics. The body of Christ is not meant for politics. The owner of the Church is not a politician, neither men of the old.

Beloved in Christ, is a wake up call for us to focus on our giving assignment. Accountability will be giving on the judgement day. I asked again, where did we get it wrong? That's not the foundation and what was handed over to us by the early believers.

Change must be made. Let the world learn and copy the standard of church.

People need rivival. Souls are dying. Let's preach Jesus to the world.

May God have mercy and help us! Amen..


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